saying i love you
is not the words i want to hear from you
its not that i want you not to say
but if you only knew
how easy it would be to show me how you feel
more than words
is all you have to do to make it real
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me, yeah
cause i'd already know.
what would you do (what would you do)
if my heart was torn in two?
more than words to show you feel
that your love for me is real
what would you say
if i took those words away
then you couldn't make things new
just by saying i love you
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
more than words
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
now that i've tried to (now that i've tried to)
talk to you and make you understand
all you have to do is
close your eyes and just reach out your hand
and touch me
hold me close don't ever let me go
more than words
is all i ever needed you to show
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me, yeah
cause i'd already know
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
more than words
dancing to the beat :D
im craving for some things. alot. haha
nazirul and mubin :D
nazirul mubin.
nazirul loves sweets and cookie.
and and vanilla milkshake (:
the only son of abdul moen.
a talking machine haha.
he can talk the whole day without exhausting himself.
k ni bedek xD
has been breathing for the past sixteen years.
nazirul dislikes hypocrites. S E R I O U S L Y!
not to forget pretenders. i think its the same. haha.
currently studying in madrasah aljunied
and is in sec 4.
aspired to be a policeman and a teacher and a motivator and
this should be useful
basically just famous amos,
double choc frappe, vanilla milkshake,
t-shirt, shirt ,
long sleeve t-shirt, new hp, new slipper,new bag,
improve my studies
not forgetting my dreams (:
going to middle-east,
and live life to the fullest wee~!
cookiemonster likes famous amos
doing sins
9:08 PM - Wednesday, September 30, 2009
helo loyal readers. im back after few days of resting. achey! mcm phm haha. k my topic today is abouts sins. so whats about it? hmm. let me tell u something. there are no problems of doing sins. BUT, there are THREE rules u need to abide beore doing so.
FIRSTLY, if you want to do it, dont use the things Allah gave you so, if you want to steal, dont use the hands that He gave you. or if you want to go to inappropriate place, dont use the legs He gave you to walk there.
SECONDLY, do it at a place where Allah isnt the creator. of course its ridiculous. cos Allah is the almighty and the creator of all
LASTLY, if you want to do it, dont do it infront of Him. as he hates it. so do it at a place where He cant see you (: Allah has given us alot nikmah. and he loves us. the air that we breathe, the foods that we eat, the water that we drink. the fact that we need it badly signifies his love for us. so is it appropriate for us to repay him with sins? of course not! think twice.
this was what being told last year by my ustaz. hope there's something beneficial for u there. its impossible to hide from Allah. so avoid doing sins because ure scared of Allah. wallahu a'lam. and i also know its difficult to run away from sins. im human as well. but insyAllah, you and me can overcome this and can be the best (: INSYALLAH
first day
10:01 AM - Monday, September 21, 2009
wow! cepat sungguh mase berlalu. dah second day raye. amcm sume? kocek dah kembong? haha. igt2 la org disini ye =P on random note, someone is going to give me 10 bucks haha. yeah. lol. k tkp tk penting. smlm tk byk jln stakat 6 rumah je. lepak-ing ah. i mean more like camera flashing, drink serving, chit-chatting and blablabla. reached home at abt 12+ but then, this yr raye super fast le. usually i gt home at about 2 am sey haha. and going to my mom's side later. rayer-ing with 4 fams? ribot pe haha. 4 kete satu rumah? haha. best kn? tap sedenye sume pmpn. yg laki bdk2 je. tkd kwn haha. i mean sedare. klah dah nk kluar ni. tc guys. mkn tu jage2 siket haha.
hari raye?
11:40 AM - Sunday, September 20, 2009
sempena hari raye ni. aku terpike something. haha. perasan tk? first day of raye cnfrm sume nk klua kn? gi rumah sedare baik jaoh mahupon dekat. tapi kan, tapi kan, korg perasan tk? klw sume klua, kte nk gi rumah sape eh? haha. klw gitu nk collect tkley ah =P nasihat aku pade korg. JANGAN KELUAR ON FIRST DAY OF RAYE. biarkan aku dtg rumah korg haha. k mepek. lol. so aku rase, skrg sume org nye pocket dah enlarging eh. haha. aku pn nk kluar ni. tc sume selamat hari raye :D
time files
4:16 PM - Saturday, September 19, 2009
wow. tomoro raye. so fast le. as in cepat not puase. haiz. so upset now. hmm. dnt u feel scared that u might ont get to meet ramadhan? im feeling it. sob sob. anyway,im busy kemas-ing and anyam-ing ketupat. wee. anyam ketupat best tau haha. first time im anyam-ing it alone. i mean my parents are busy masak-ing and jahit-ing. so tkp la klw skali skale tlg kn? haha. klah. sempena besok hari raye, nk minta maaf klw pena buat slh ke. actually tk klw. psl mmg pena pn. baik yg sengaje mahupun tidak. so im seeking everyone's forgiveness. and dont worry ive forgiven everyone too. haha. and selamat hari raye to all.
6:54 PM - Wednesday, September 16, 2009
assalamualaikum. i did a personal test and i gt this. im an engaged idealist
Engaged Idealists are extroverted and helpful. Others find them to be very congenial and inspiring - especially as they are always willing to see the best in the other person. Their humour, their energy and their optimism attract other people. Engaged Idealists are very good at communicating and are good at convincing and firing on others. That is why it is a matter of course that they often take over the leading role in groups. This personality type often produces very charismatic persons.
Engaged Idealists have an unusually strong ability to empathise. They are tolerant and generous towards others; they sometimes tend to idealise their friends. They always try to suit everybody and want their relationships to be harmonious and satisfactory. To achieve this, they are prepared to invest a great deal and to put their requirements last. As Engaged Idealists are very considerate, there is the danger of them sacrificing and overexerting themselves for others. In their job, they therefore have to be very careful not to develop a burnout syndrome.
Engaged Idealists are reliable, well organised and love structuring complicated situations. They have difficulty accepting criticism; they quickly feel hurt and misunderstood. Their perfectionism also influences their love life - they look for the perfect relationship for life. Once they have made their decision, they are faithful, well-balanced and loving partners. However, should they get involved with the wrong person, it can happen that they allow themselves to be exploited for a long time before they end the relationship.
ooooh yeah! im into photo now haha. especially potrait. cnt help it. i just love it haha. taking photos makes me a happy kid. and it kills me to see ppl usig their DSLR. feel like spoiling it. grr. grr. thanx to my sis, we got one now. sharing is caring (: haha
and ive just got my IRK. i flunk it again. haiz. lazy bum. 2 more tests to go. and im free for a while before FYE. which is around the corner too. wakakaka. smile smile (:
11:35 AM - Sunday, September 13, 2009
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. just went back from N.O.P it was good this year. much better than last year (: our group was like the kecho-est haha. sume bbdk junied ape tk nye. and know what? me, zuhaili and amir was asked to act haha. and we did it for just one day. started rehearsing at 3pm. after a few hours of discussing. and i think we did an awesome job. betol tk? haha. bkn masok bakul angkat sendiri eh. pastu ade tadarrus jap, and frankly, CPR was awe-some! the acting was really convincing. haha. and i havent have my sleep. going to tuition at 12 later. and im stealing some time to update this. will be going to taman warisan later tolong something. buke luar lagi. haiz. dah lame tk buke ngn family. asek klua je. haiz. and ramadhan is leaving us. so sad ): this year is bad for me. didnt do alot of tarawih nor tadarrus. it's ashamed that i cnt finish the quran this yr. and no doubt, i'll have some reasons to it. tap alasan je kn? manusia. haiz. klw la kte mati tk lame lagi. apekah naseb kte di akhirat nnt? aren't u scared? i do! action is louder than word. i know! and it is really hard to change for the best. klw muhasabah diri, rase sedih itu sekejap je. nnt tros dah tkd pape. kenapelah manusia mcm gini? im not pim pointing anyone. im saying us muslim as a whole. including the one who's typing this. what if we never get to meet another ramadhan? how would u feel? regret? so why not regret now and not later. im feeling it now. BUT, i dnt think i have the strength to do this alone. apart from that, the facis or the marshalls were a pain in the arse. grr. irritating sey. feel like maki-ing them. org dah lapar gler nk gi 7-eleven pn tkley. faci je leh gi. nk laksanakan amanah konon. k tkp la. dah lepas haiz. bobal punye bobal. dah nk kol 12. chow dulu ah. i'll update some pics later. and maybe video of us acting (: wee
curiosity. confused!
7:49 AM - Friday, September 11, 2009
ever wonder anything about burmuda triangles? dinosaurs? people missing? frankly, i gt sooo many questions always popping in my head when i dnt sleep. i cnt help myself. have u ever think about this? why do ppl went missing.
first of all, how did flight 19 went missing in 5 dec 1945? some said that the area had a huge magnetic field thus, it sinks think and the compases go crazy. ive tried searching for more infos but was in vain. why didnt they send a remote air plane or a boat. so they could check from far? is bermuda triangle a myth or real? anyone has the answer to it? tell me!
dinosaurs. hmm and ive always wondered how did the dinosaurs extinct? not enough food or preys? too many predators? some ppl think that the global warming and melting ice caps did the job. i know some people think it's a myth created by environmentalists, but still, it could have happened back then. however, global warming can be caused naturally and man made. for example the pollution. eg; factories, vehicles. how can the earth be polluted by factories and vehicles when no human was alive during that period. could it be caused by methane gas? which was released from arctic tundra and wetlands? ahha! volcano? haha. larva did the job. lol k crap, but still, the mystery remains.
thirdly, ppl went missing. there are two main qs. why? and where? isnt it weird that they dont care about their family? their loved ones? as why didnt they return? do they have money with them? or maybe get killed? died of hunger? kidnapped? ouh god! i really need some answers.
actually idk why im writing all this. im weird lol. satu mlm tk tido psl bende ni haha. skrg ngantok gler oi. haha. klah i'll be searching for more infos nxt tym haha. and if anyone have the link, tag me at my tagboard (: till next time.
tiring uh.
11:04 PM - Thursday, September 10, 2009
i gt tuition earlier at 10 in the morning. and my alarm didnt work. so i was late. i rash and ran all the way haha. phew. nga puase tawu! then, kene jumpe zuhaili ngn amir kt paya lebar. abe doreg gi buat charity work. smpi kol 2. kene tunggu dorg kt sultan utk 1 jam lebe. leceh sey. then suddenly khaliesah pangel. dier ckp ade meeting for this bonding camp season two. the theme is = youth sure bole! cume... mcm step gerek je haha. k tkp. byk nye camp haha. this yr dah masok byk sey camp haha. byk duet nk kene pki. then dlm kol 3 gitu ktorg gi geylang. amir nk beli songkok. dah rosak la itu lah, ini lah. haha. dah lah panas terik. kehausan sey. pastu ktorg naek train nk gi bishan. kene gi annahdhah. ade meeting psl acting. nnt kene act time N.O.P me, zuhaili, amir, ammar, qamrul and afai. haha. cter mepek. rase2 nye boring tp tkp la kn? kte discuss punye discuss. smpi lah nk buke. mknan kt nahdhah slalu sedap sey. time tu nasi kuning. niari laok kurma. wow. kenyang. hehe. then ajak si zuhaili gi McD nk beli apple pie. mengidam haha. and curry-o. fuuh! sedap sey. pastu ni zuhaili nk beli stokin. nk yg murah je. budget btol dekni. ade je nk complain haha. then kte pusing2 jap bru blek. bile nga otw blek - kt dlm mrt, my dad called. hah! dier tanye kt mane. so i replied. nga otw blek. skali, dier kate kt rumah tkd org. dah la tk bwk kunci pastu dorg blek lmbt. kene jage bazaar katekn. haiz. then pike punye pike, try gi rumah mkck ah. naseb baek ade my atok. so mintak kunci then blek. punye lah suey, ble smpi rumah. sume dah blek. haha leceh sey. jln sane jln sini. haha. kaki mcm nk tercabot haha. ni bru smpi rumah. laen kali jgn lupe bwk kunci ye kwn2 haha. lesson learnt. haha. k now im sleepy. nk gi tido. night night. on random note. yay! ive finished my maths hw haha. muahahahahaha. and lily is one great friend haha.
potter's confession part three
9:36 PM - Wednesday, September 9, 2009
heyho. got this video wanna share with you guys. ever heard the song confession part two? here's the third pasrt haha. it's really lame, funny and stupid. seriously. enjoy dudes! and read the lyrics haha.
there's more than that. here's a video about harry potter. potter puppets pals. another stupid video haha. but it's fun to watch haha.
1:48 PM - Tuesday, September 8, 2009
haha. homejoy. *nk sedapkn hati je* padehal padehal. homework buat leceh je. i dont get it. its not really enjoying lol. aniwae ive just realised that my maths book is not with me. homework belambak sey. org dahj semangat2 abe buku tkd. alermak! grr grr! thursday nk gi amaths ke tk? mcm mls uh. tp klw gi dpt amek buku. haha. k now im bored. home alone, nothing to do. tkd org yg nk chat =P *tk mintak simpati eh* haha. haiz. so, so, what should i do? klah i think im gonna stop here.
DUIT percuma.
10:50 PM - Monday, September 7, 2009
what do i mean by duit? its not that money. but its the thing u need to be successful.
D= doa. without it, whatever u do wont be much of a help. as everything is from Allah. U= usaha. but, even if ure doa or plead to god everytime without usaha, u wont achieve it too. dont be like jabariah. leaving all to Allah without trying. im not discriminating (: I= ikhtiar. after doa and usaha, choose the best way to get it. and insyAllah with good ways, Allah will help. T= tawakkal. as all of us know, kita merancang Allah menentukan. if it doesn't come out the way we want, just bare with it. and if it does, pray and feel grateful to Him. why do i chose to talk about this? after returning from RYC, ive learnt quite a numnber of things. one of it is perseverance. not that i never knew about that. but, if u set ur mind,DONT GIVE UP, im sure everything will go smoothly. obstacles is nothing. trust me. just have confidence. and one more thing success isPERCUMA. successPERlukan Confidence, Usaha, Motivasi dan Amalan. confidence is the utmost of all. even if anyone motivate u but ure not confident about it, it wont work. and do u know that, psychology had proven that if u set ur mind positively, it will work out nicely. here's one scenario; if ure balncing urself on a rope, and u tell ur mindDONT fall, you will fall. why? because theres a negative word ie;DONT. instead of saying dont fall, u should sayBALANCE. get rid of the negative words and insyAllah it will work out. here's a video about Nick Vujicic. Nick Vujicic is a unique young man with an urgent message. his humorous antics, honest approach, and heart-warming affirmations are helping to bring hope to millions of youth, children and adults in australia and around the globe. you will be moved and motivated to live life to the full, and never give up! enjoy (:
so how was it? amazing right? a person without limbs nor hands can do so many things. why cant we, someone who can do alot of things be lazy. and always be pessimistic. im just inspired by him. thought of becoming a psychologist or a counsellor. and if u have done something bad, u can always repent and have a new life. start something new. buang yang keroh ambil yang jernih. there's no such word as too late. be someone good and can change the life of others to a better.
outing with the heroes
6:35 PM - Friday, September 4, 2009
eh, mcm dah lame tk update. tk la lame sgt haha. aniwae, tht time i went to geylang haha. dgn my frens uh. bdk2 kampong lol. ktorg jumpe dlm kol 2 gitu. gi maen dota jap haha. tkd keje sey. pastu gedebak gedebuk, ktorg naek bus gi geylang pastu ternampak akma and HER lagi kt bustop haha. first skali nmpk dorg kt bugis junction haha. then akma join ktorg haha. ble kt sane, first2 jln mendak sey, tk byk bende best. pastu tolong zuhaili crik bju kurong haha. cerewet giler. nk murah tap lawa. haha at last beli yg $50 nye. kene mrh ngn amir. amir mcm bpk sey haha. FIERCE oi. haha kte pun pusing2 ah. pastu nk kt buka, tkd tempat sey nk mkn. so beli something buat alas perot dulu. pastu solat then mkn. tawu tk ktorg buka kt mane? tgk lah gambar ni. haha.
haha. kt road tawu tk. tk pena kn? style kn? lol k pathethic haha. naseb hp irfan ade radio lol. ni first time buka ngn kwn. hehe. pastu lepas solat kt darul arqam, ktorg gi geylang. nk mkn.
sedap jgk uh nasi padang dier. kesian qamarul tk dpt abeskn mknan. kenyang sgt haha. pastu jln2 jap then blek. smpi rumah dlm kol 10.
and and, my results dah rabak sey. grades sume turon. haha. yg slalu dpt A skrg B or C. take physics for instant. ive been ace-ing it. but dunnoe what happen ive just passed it. english pn same. haha. tap tkp lah. bkn tk usaha. bende2 yg da hafal yg ale2 hilang. then, tad gi marina square. beli bju. and maen bowling hehe. dah lame tk maen bowling. dah karat haha. igtkn nk beli ngn amir skali tk jadi so beli sorg. haha. klah nk kt buka. nk kene siapkn barang sendiri. sorg ah kt rumah. so sad. nasi + ayam + telor. ok lah tu haha. kk bye. (: