helo semua. ni ade cerita atau surat dari seseorng utk seseorg
saye dapat dari email.
buat tatapan semua yg masih mempunyai ibu/emak/mama/umi
terlalu bosan rasanya duduk membilang hari.
dah hampir sepuluh bulan mak pergi,
rasanya baru semalam mak peluk kiter
sejuk syahdu masih terasa
lagi nih.
mak tawu tak.....
itu lah pertama kali mak peluk anak mak yang nakal ni sejak
dan itu juga terakhir kali nya!
Erm... rupanya mak dah tau mak nak pergi jauh,
nak tinggal kan anak2 mak.
nak tinggal kan dunia yang fana ni.
mak macam dah sedia.
seminggu sebelum tu,
mak dah menganyam tikar mengkuang 3 helai.
akak kata sampai ke pagi mak anyam tikar tuu.
tanpa rasa mengantuk, tanpa rasa letih.
kakak pun rasa hairan.
mak tak penah buat gitu.
pastu mak pasang radio kecil di sebelah mak.
tapi mak seolah2 tak sedar
bahawa rancangan radio tu siaran siam,
kengkadang siaran indonesia.
mak terus tekun menganyam.
rupanya tikar yang telah mak siapkan tu
di gunakan untuk mengiringi mak ke kuburan.
pastu mak sapu sampah sekeliling rumah bersih2.
pastu mak jemur karpet-karpet.
pastu mak ubahkan sofa ke tempat lain.
mak biarkan ruang tu kosong.
rupanya kat situ jenazah mak diletakkan.
paling menarik sekali mak bgtau
kat maner sume duit dan barang kemas mak.
ada kat dalam almari,
ada kat dalam dalam beg,
ada dalam ASB,
ada kat dalam Tabung Haji,
mak cakap tak berapa cukup lagi,
ada kat dalam gulung tikar.
masa tu mak perasan takk??
kiter gelak sakan bila mak bgtau duit dalam gulung tikar.
kiter kata mak ni memang old fashion la.
mak cuma gelak jer.
erm. bahagia nya saat itu.
hari tu hari sabtu pukul 3 petang mak tiba2 sakit perut.
bila malam tu kiter sampai dari KL.
mak dah dalam kesakitan.
akak dan abang kat kampong semua dah pujuk.
mak tetap takmau pi hospital.
cuma tinggal giliran kiter yang belum pujuk.
mak kata mak takmau duduk dalam hospital.
tapi kiter berkeras juga pujukk.
nanti di hospital ada doktor,
ada ubat untuk mak,
kat rumah kami hanya mampu sapu minyak dan urut jer.
mak tetap tak bersetuju.
mak memang degil.
tak salah, anak mak yang ni pon mengikut perangai mak tu.
tapi akhirnya bila melihat keadaan mak makin teruk.
mak sakit perut sampai nak sentuh
perut mak pon sakit kami adik - beradik
sepakat hantar juga mak ke hospital.
amponkan kami semua.
kami nak mak sehat.
kami sayang mak.
kami tak mau mak mendrita.
kami terpaksa juga hantar mak ke hospital.
amponkan kami yer mak.
malam tu abang bawak mak ke hospital
dan itu lah pertama dan terakhir kali mak naik kereta kiter.
masih terbayang betapa ceria dan gembiranya mak,
kiter kata nak beli kereta.
mak asyik tanya ajer.
cukup ker duitt.
kiter jawab pula,
kalau tak cukup, mak kan banyak duit.
mak gelak ajerr.
lepas tu bila kereta kiter sampai.
mak buat kenduri kesyukuran.
dan kiter masih ingat lagi
bila kiter eksiden terlanggar Ah-Chong naik motor.
punya la takut.
kiter warning akak jangan sesekali bgtau kat mak.
bila balik sahaja kampong.
kiter cepat-cepat simpan keta dalam garaj.
tapi mak perasan juga bumper depan kemek.
mak tanya kenapa?
selamba jerr kiter jawab terlangar pokok bunga.
tujuan kiter menipu tu supaya mak tak risau.
maaf! kan kiter kerana sampai mak pergi mak tak tau hal sebenar.
mak, kiter menipu mak kan.
ampon kan kiter.
jam 4.30 pagi
bila tiba aja kat hospital.
nurse tengah balut mak dengan kain putih.
mak mesti nampak kiter jatuh terduduk di lantai hospital.
mesti mak rase abang cium dahi mak.
mesti mak dengar akak baca doa untuk mak.
mesti mak nampak adik terduduk kat kerusi kat sudut tu.
mesti mak perasan semua tu kan? kan? kan?
mak tau tak....
pagi tu balik dari hospital jam 5.20 pagi
kiter mamandu dalam keadaan separuh sedar.
adik kat sebelah diam melayan perasann.
kenangan bersama mak berputar dalam kepala ini.
jalan di depan terasa makin kelam.
airmata dah tak mampu di tahan.
masa tu seandainya apa-apa terjadi di jalan itu kiter rela.
namun alhamdulillah akhirnya kiter sampai juga.
disebabkan pagi masih awal, jadi jalan tu lenggang.
kosong. ...sekosong hati ini.
sepanjang perjalanan terasa
kedinginan subuh itu lain benar suasananya.
terasa syahdu dan sayu. dingin.
kiter masih ingat lagi...
kiter baca AlQuran kat tepi mak temankan mak
jam 11.00 pagi mak dimandikan.
anak2 mak yang pangku masa mak mandi.
mak mesti rasa betapa lembut nya
kami mengosok seluruh tubuh mak.
kiter gosok kaki mak perlahan lahan.
mak perasan tak?
makcik yang mandikan mak tu pujuk kiter.
dia kata: " dik, jangan nangis kalau sayang mak.
jangan buat gitu. jangan nangis ya?"
bila makcik tu kata gitu.
lagi la laju airmata ni.
tapi kiter kawal supaya tak menitik atas mak.
sampai stakat ini kiter tulis surat ni.
kiter nangis ni.
ni kat dlm bilik, baru pukul 4.00 pagi.
tkde orang yang bangun lagi.
kiter terdengar nasyid tajuk "anak soleh" kiter sedih.
kiter rindu kat mak..!
takpa la.
nanti bila kita selesai sembanyang subuh,
kiter baca yassin untuk mak.
mak tunggu ya!
sebelum muka mak di tutup buat selamanya,
kesemua anak2 mak mengelilingi mak.
menatap wajah mak buat kali terakhir.
semua orang kata mak seolah2 senyum saje.
mak rase tak?
masa tu kiter sentuh dahi mak.
kiter rasa sejuk sangat dahi makk.
kiter tak mampu nak cium mak,
kiter tak berdaya.
kiter tuliskan kalimah tauhid kat dahi mak dengan air mawar.
airmata kiter tak boleh tahan.
mak mesti ingatkan yang anak mak ni jadi
imam solat jenazah untuk mak.
tapi kite suruh tok imam bacakan doa sebab kite sebak.
jam 12 tengahari mak diusung keluar dari rumah!
akak pula dah terkulai dlm pelukan makcik.
badan akak terasa panas mak.
anak mak yang seorang tu demam.
mak tauu...
cuma akak sorang saja anak mak yang
tak mengiringi mak ke tanah perkuburan.
hari2 kiter lalui tanpa kewujudan mak lagi.
begitu terasa kehilangan mak.
boleh kata setiap malam selepas maghrib
anak mak ini berendam airmata.
dan sampai satu tahap.
masa tu malam jumaat selepas maghrib.
selepas kiter baca yassin ngan kawan-kawan.
entah kenapa biler kat bilik kiter
keluarkan gambar2 mak pastu apa lagi.
semakin kiter tenung terasa semakin sayu.
tangisan tak dapat dibendung.
mak tau.
kiter cuba bertahan.
memujuk diri sendiri tapi tak juga reda.
kiter rasa nak telefon mak.
nak cakap dengan mak.
anak mak yang ni dah tak betul kan?
dan akhirnya dalam sedu sedan itu kiter telefon kampong.
kiter bilang akak, kiter nangis lagi.
puas la akak memujuk kiter.
akak kata: " tak baik laa nangis aje, doa lah untuk mak."
dan akhirnya akak juga nangis.
mak tau tak??
di saat itu kerinduan terasa menusuk sehingga ke hulu hati.
rasa nyilu sangat
menusuk-nusuk sehingga terasa begitu sakit dalam dada ni.
sampai sekarang bila kerinduan itu menjelma.
hanya sedekah al-fatihah kiter dapat berikan.
cukup la sampai sini dulu.
kawan kiter dah ketuk pintu bilik tu.
kejap lagi kami nak pergi solat subuh kat masjid.
selalunya, kiter yang bawak mak naik motor kan.
kali ni kiter jalan kaki dengan kawan pulak.
esok kiter ingat nak tulis surat kat ayah pula.
mula2 kiter tak tau nak hantar mana surat ni.
pastu kawan kiter bgtau.
simpan je buat kenangan.
kiter cuma tau alamat ni aje.
takper yer mak.
kiter kasi orang lain baca.
kiter stop dulu.
sebab kawan kiter dah lama tunggu tu.
akhir kata untuk mak,
dan jutaan terima kasih kerana membesarkan kiter.
memberi seluruh kasih sayang dari kecil sampai masuk sekolah..
sampai masuk universiti.
sampai kiter boleh rase naik kapal terbang.
boleh rasa duduk kat negara orang.
sampai akhir hayat ini jasa mak tak akan mampu kiter balas.
sekian terima kasih,
yang benar
anak mak yang dah tak degil
akhir kate dri saye,
surat ini berjaya 'menyentuh' banyak hati selain dari mengingatkan
jasa ibu kita, ia mampu menaikkan semangat kita utk terus berusaha
dalam lapangan masing2 dan menjaga mereka sebelom mereka pergi
dgn izin Allah s.w.t. InsyaAllah.
wassalam. -nazirul
more than words
by frankie j
saying i love you
is not the words i want to hear from you
its not that i want you not to say
but if you only knew
how easy it would be to show me how you feel
more than words
is all you have to do to make it real
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me, yeah
cause i'd already know.
what would you do (what would you do)
if my heart was torn in two?
more than words to show you feel
that your love for me is real
what would you say
if i took those words away
then you couldn't make things new
just by saying i love you
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
more than words
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
now that i've tried to (now that i've tried to)
talk to you and make you understand
all you have to do is
close your eyes and just reach out your hand
and touch me
hold me close don't ever let me go
more than words
is all i ever needed you to show
then you wouldn't have to say
that you love me, yeah
cause i'd already know
(just saying i love you, saying i love you)
more than words
dancing to the beat :D
im craving for some things. alot. haha
im craving for some things. alot. haha
nazirul and mubin :D
nazirul loves sweets and cookie.
and and vanilla milkshake (:
the only son of abdul moen.
a talking machine haha.
he can talk the whole day without exhausting himself.
k ni bedek xD
has been breathing for the past sixteen years.
nazirul dislikes hypocrites. S E R I O U S L Y!
not to forget pretenders. i think its the same. haha.
currently studying in madrasah aljunied
and is in sec 4.
aspired to be a policeman and a teacher and a motivator and
this should be useful
basically just famous amos,
double choc frappe, vanilla milkshake,
t-shirt, shirt
not forgetting my dreams (:
going to middle-east,
and live life to the fullest wee~!
cookiemonster likes famous amos
ibu oh ibu
6:03 PM - Friday, August 28, 2009
10:51 PM - Friday, August 21, 2009
waaaaaaa. toys everywhere.
haha. school, malls and even in mosques.
just got home, and what i observed and realised is that
last 2 yrs, they were playing duel masters.
dueling anywhere they can.
last yr, there were kraks everywhere. haha
and now, yo-yo.
i think tht mass media had done
a good job influencing them gahaha.
k this is random anyway.
lol. just irritae me to say toys everywhere.
i dnt think im like tht i suppose.
too engrossed with such toys haha.
k nvm. nnt dah besar they will think like me too.
wee. eh besok puase haha.
jumpe kol 3 kt NLB tau. jgn lmbt.
nnt aku tknk ajar haha. lol.
eh tk jadi. ade tuition ahha.
tkya jumpe kol 3 lol.
haha. school, malls and even in mosques.
just got home, and what i observed and realised is that
last 2 yrs, they were playing duel masters.
dueling anywhere they can.
last yr, there were kraks everywhere. haha
and now, yo-yo.
i think tht mass media had done
a good job influencing them gahaha.
k this is random anyway.
lol. just irritae me to say toys everywhere.
i dnt think im like tht i suppose.
too engrossed with such toys haha.
k nvm. nnt dah besar they will think like me too.
wee. eh besok puase haha.
jumpe kol 3 kt NLB tau. jgn lmbt.
nnt aku tknk ajar haha. lol.
eh tk jadi. ade tuition ahha.
tkya jumpe kol 3 lol.
twentieth ogos
9:36 PM - Thursday, August 20, 2009
nothing much happen today.
went to school as ussual. haha.
and reached school about 6.45
siang kn? tawu haha.
and i live in bukitpanjang u know.
and there was assembly.
got the bilinggual competition.
waly was good u know.
his eng was fantastic.
i envy him for having
the talent to speak fluently.
and during eng,
the results was announced by ibrahim.
and i won.
i mean my team haha.
dpt chocolate. wee. sedap oi.
cadburry haha. tap dabes uh.
share ngn 10 org. mane cukop.
we wont win if not for nuriman and shazly.
haha. smart students (:
and my lappy is getting crazier.
grr. geram oi!
nk maen dota pn susah. haiz.
went to school as ussual. haha.
and reached school about 6.45
siang kn? tawu haha.
and i live in bukitpanjang u know.
and there was assembly.
got the bilinggual competition.
waly was good u know.
his eng was fantastic.
i envy him for having
the talent to speak fluently.
and during eng,
the results was announced by ibrahim.
and i won.
i mean my team haha.
dpt chocolate. wee. sedap oi.
cadburry haha. tap dabes uh.
share ngn 10 org. mane cukop.
we wont win if not for nuriman and shazly.
haha. smart students (:
and my lappy is getting crazier.
grr. geram oi!
nk maen dota pn susah. haiz.
9:47 PM - Wednesday, August 19, 2009
just now, i was the first speaker for the mini debate.
in english u know. haha. rabak sey.
perasaan gementar tiba2 muncul.
aku cuba menghapuskannya.
tetapi sia-sia sahaja.
haha. k mepek.
then dapat gula2 lol.
share uh ngn kwn2 hehe.
k tk penting.
then then, blek naek mrt haha.
skrg dah tk suke naek bus 960.
naek mrt lagi best. ngn amir n zuhaili.
blh cter2 haha. tap nazirul sorg je yg slalu bbl.
haiz. klah nk mkn ah.
nasi paprik dah tunggu ni.
haha. k chow
in english u know. haha. rabak sey.
perasaan gementar tiba2 muncul.
aku cuba menghapuskannya.
tetapi sia-sia sahaja.
haha. k mepek.
then dapat gula2 lol.
share uh ngn kwn2 hehe.
k tk penting.
then then, blek naek mrt haha.
skrg dah tk suke naek bus 960.
naek mrt lagi best. ngn amir n zuhaili.
blh cter2 haha. tap nazirul sorg je yg slalu bbl.
haiz. klah nk mkn ah.
nasi paprik dah tunggu ni.
haha. k chow
sick sick sick
3:37 PM - Sunday, August 16, 2009
anyone notice something?
during this H1N1 period.
its really easy to get sick.
haha. cough, flu, fever.
darn it.
kaye sey clinic and hospital haha
doctors nye gaji pn naek.
k mepek. haha.
oit. mendak ah kt rumah.
jom maen dota lagi haha.
k nth to say anymore.
during this H1N1 period.
its really easy to get sick.
haha. cough, flu, fever.
darn it.
kaye sey clinic and hospital haha
doctors nye gaji pn naek.
k mepek. haha.
oit. mendak ah kt rumah.
jom maen dota lagi haha.
k nth to say anymore.
11:18 PM - Friday, August 14, 2009
know what? ive been using this com for like 9 hours!
since 2.30 pm after my solat jumaat.
WTH sey. im now pening. and lapar. grr.
nahu nahu and nahu.
haiz. just finish editing it.
mabok ah. help me!
haha. and im gonna off soon.
cannot take it anymore.
so i just drop by to say this haha.
and yeah. im sleepy lol.
and hungry. never full.
and tomorrow. gonna play takraw haha.
just strted lol.
beginner. what cn i say.
haha. okey lah. byebye.
my bed is calling me haha.
since 2.30 pm after my solat jumaat.
WTH sey. im now pening. and lapar. grr.
nahu nahu and nahu.
haiz. just finish editing it.
mabok ah. help me!
haha. and im gonna off soon.
cannot take it anymore.
so i just drop by to say this haha.
and yeah. im sleepy lol.
and hungry. never full.
and tomorrow. gonna play takraw haha.
just strted lol.
beginner. what cn i say.
haha. okey lah. byebye.
my bed is calling me haha.
how to communicate difficult feelings
8:20 PM - Thursday, August 13, 2009
when we are upset, disappointed, frustrated or angry, it is difficult to communicate lovingly. when negative emotions come up, we tend momentarily to lose our loving feelings of trust, care, understanding, acceptance, appreciation and respect. at such times, even with the best intentions, our talk turns into fighting. in the heat of the moment, we do not remember how to communicate in a way that works for our partner or for us.
at times like these, women unknowingly tend to blame men and make them feel guilty for their actions. instead of remembering that her partner is doing the best he can, a woman could assume the worst and sound critical and resentful. when she feels a surge of negative feelings, it is especially difficult for a woman to speak in a trusting, acceptance and appreciating way. she does not realise hw negative and hurtful her attitude is to her partner.
however, when men become upset, they tend to become judgemental of women and their feelings. instead of remembering that his partner is vulnerable and sensitive, a man may forget her needs and sound mean and uncaring. when he feels a surge of negative feelings, it is especially difficult for him to speak in a caring, understanding and respectful way. he doesn't realise how hurtful his negative attitude is to her.
after reading this, i realise that its true haha. trying to work on it haha. i mean the uncaring part. but there's a way to solve this problem.
1. find a third party to help
2. write a letter to convince him/her.
3. let the both of u cooldown first.
i think 3 is enough haha.
and tomorrow there's hadith test. haiz. leceh uh.
satu bende pn blom hafal. haiz.
lazy lazy and lazy haha.
going to study soon. haha.
as if i would. lol.
k nvm, ill try. bye bye.
at times like these, women unknowingly tend to blame men and make them feel guilty for their actions. instead of remembering that her partner is doing the best he can, a woman could assume the worst and sound critical and resentful. when she feels a surge of negative feelings, it is especially difficult for a woman to speak in a trusting, acceptance and appreciating way. she does not realise hw negative and hurtful her attitude is to her partner.
however, when men become upset, they tend to become judgemental of women and their feelings. instead of remembering that his partner is vulnerable and sensitive, a man may forget her needs and sound mean and uncaring. when he feels a surge of negative feelings, it is especially difficult for him to speak in a caring, understanding and respectful way. he doesn't realise how hurtful his negative attitude is to her.
after reading this, i realise that its true haha. trying to work on it haha. i mean the uncaring part. but there's a way to solve this problem.
1. find a third party to help
2. write a letter to convince him/her.
3. let the both of u cooldown first.
i think 3 is enough haha.
and tomorrow there's hadith test. haiz. leceh uh.
satu bende pn blom hafal. haiz.
lazy lazy and lazy haha.
going to study soon. haha.
as if i would. lol.
k nvm, ill try. bye bye.
9:49 PM - Wednesday, August 12, 2009
marriage is not all about SEX.
-ustazah hanna
so dont marry because of leisure (:
and never say.
SEX is everything in marriage. haha
and the more you hurt people's heart,
the blacker will be ur heart.
-ustazah fatimah
so bare in mind not to hurt others (:
and im sick. darn it. grr.
tk tawu besok nk skola ke tk.
go away headache, cough.
uve been there for weeks. haha.
k im crazy now. haha.
anyway this is a random post
-ustazah hanna
so dont marry because of leisure (:
and never say.
SEX is everything in marriage. haha
and the more you hurt people's heart,
the blacker will be ur heart.
-ustazah fatimah
so bare in mind not to hurt others (:
and im sick. darn it. grr.
tk tawu besok nk skola ke tk.
go away headache, cough.
uve been there for weeks. haha.
k im crazy now. haha.
anyway this is a random post
assignments. tests. homeworks.
6:52 PM - Tuesday, August 11, 2009
helo helo. im posting again. haha
i think i'll be posting everyday
as i dnt have anything better to do haha.
know what? i failed my faraidh
for the first time ever sey haha.
used to be my forte sey. haiz.
my mid yr was 80 haha.
now 9/20 lol. kekek uh.
tapi tkp. i didnt study.
so tk slhkn sape2 (:
and guess what?
tomorrow ade test fiqh.
blom blaja. nnt strt uh.
after posting this.
sempat eh nazirul haha.
and hmwk malay, olvl practice lah. mcm2.
assignments. haiz. stress jgk aku gini.
haha. naseb assignment video bru abes.
blh blaja fiqh nnt. hehe.
k then, when i was heading home,
actually was in the mrt standing
when suddenly rafah msg,
she said that wanee passed her a message for me.
she said tht she still regard me as her fren
so if i wanna chat with just do so.
unfortunately, i deleted her msn months ago.
was about to forget her. and live my life as ussual.
and i dnt think i'll be adding her back
even though i still rmb her email clearly.
but i was suprised btw. why would she talked about me.
haha. to think tht i gt the answer before asking rafah.
so she was the one behind all this haha.
she strted talking to wanee about me.
so there goes the conversation.
yes i know im lonely but im no desperado (:
so i dnt beg for frens haha. mind that okey (:
k forget about tht. aniwae having a fren is a gift
so treasure them (: my advice only haha.
so after alighting the mrt, i boarded the lrt.
finally, there was a seat. so i sat there.
haha. tired. what can i say.
sadly, there was a pregnant woman
i gave her my sit out of pity.
BUT she didnt even say thank you. hmph.
what a courtesy. grr.
k nvm, that was random though.
but im ikhlas k. haha. (:
ive got nth to say. so i'll just type whats in my mind haha.
and yeah, im so gonna study for fiqh and finish my malay.
laziness begets me haha. becoming lazier than ever.
haiz. klah maybe i'll update again tomorrow.
will update everyday cause nth to do. haha.
so bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
i think i'll be posting everyday
as i dnt have anything better to do haha.
know what? i failed my faraidh
for the first time ever sey haha.
used to be my forte sey. haiz.
my mid yr was 80 haha.
now 9/20 lol. kekek uh.
tapi tkp. i didnt study.
so tk slhkn sape2 (:
and guess what?
tomorrow ade test fiqh.
blom blaja. nnt strt uh.
after posting this.
sempat eh nazirul haha.
and hmwk malay, olvl practice lah. mcm2.
assignments. haiz. stress jgk aku gini.
haha. naseb assignment video bru abes.
blh blaja fiqh nnt. hehe.
k then, when i was heading home,
actually was in the mrt standing
when suddenly rafah msg,
she said that wanee passed her a message for me.
she said tht she still regard me as her fren
so if i wanna chat with just do so.
unfortunately, i deleted her msn months ago.
was about to forget her. and live my life as ussual.
and i dnt think i'll be adding her back
even though i still rmb her email clearly.
but i was suprised btw. why would she talked about me.
haha. to think tht i gt the answer before asking rafah.
so she was the one behind all this haha.
she strted talking to wanee about me.
so there goes the conversation.
yes i know im lonely but im no desperado (:
so i dnt beg for frens haha. mind that okey (:
k forget about tht. aniwae having a fren is a gift
so treasure them (: my advice only haha.
so after alighting the mrt, i boarded the lrt.
finally, there was a seat. so i sat there.
haha. tired. what can i say.
sadly, there was a pregnant woman
i gave her my sit out of pity.
BUT she didnt even say thank you. hmph.
what a courtesy. grr.
k nvm, that was random though.
but im ikhlas k. haha. (:
ive got nth to say. so i'll just type whats in my mind haha.
and yeah, im so gonna study for fiqh and finish my malay.
laziness begets me haha. becoming lazier than ever.
haiz. klah maybe i'll update again tomorrow.
will update everyday cause nth to do. haha.
so bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
prank call haha
5:03 PM - Monday, August 10, 2009
wassup bro! haha.
niari tkd byk bende terjadi ah.
jadi post siket je.
tad pag, gua ngn members gua gi toh guan
ktorg maen takraw lah bro.
fullermak! gerek lah bro.
tap gua bru beginner jad kaki saket bro haha.
ade satu bro ni, name dier bro ayid.
dier plan kol 10.
gua pn semangat lah bro. gua dtg kol 10.
sekali tkd org lah bro.
dier pn bru bgn tido bro haha.
gua tunggu punye tunggu.
bro amir plak kol. dier pn bru bgn tido.
naseb rumah dekat bro.
ktorg strt dlm kol 10.45 bro.
pastu stop dlm kol 1.15
nk gi blaja lah bro.
byk test ah. so ktorg gi rumah ustazah fatimah.
blaja psl haid. haha. tk phm btol.
gedebak gedebuk. da kol 3.30 ktorg pn blek.
ni gua dah smpi rumah ni bro.
tk psl2 ade bdk kol ah bro.
bdk: helo, aku filzah, akma kasi num kau kt aku.
ade org kate kau ske aku eh?
serious eh?
bro nazirul: ni sape ni? bdk mane ni? salah no. eh?
ke giler? *nga gelak ni*
tk psl2 dier strt maki. alermak. tk syg mulot lah babe!
itu lah kesahnye. boring kn bro? haha. gua tawu.
tap gua share je. tkd citer ah. gua pn nga bored.
haha. kt rumah sorg2. kesian.
nga lapar plak tu. yg laen sume gi johor.
klah bro. gua mintak diri dulu.
nnt senang2 gua update lag lah bro haha.
chow!~ haha
niari tkd byk bende terjadi ah.
jadi post siket je.
tad pag, gua ngn members gua gi toh guan
ktorg maen takraw lah bro.
fullermak! gerek lah bro.
tap gua bru beginner jad kaki saket bro haha.
ade satu bro ni, name dier bro ayid.
dier plan kol 10.
gua pn semangat lah bro. gua dtg kol 10.
sekali tkd org lah bro.
dier pn bru bgn tido bro haha.
gua tunggu punye tunggu.
bro amir plak kol. dier pn bru bgn tido.
naseb rumah dekat bro.
ktorg strt dlm kol 10.45 bro.
pastu stop dlm kol 1.15
nk gi blaja lah bro.
byk test ah. so ktorg gi rumah ustazah fatimah.
blaja psl haid. haha. tk phm btol.
gedebak gedebuk. da kol 3.30 ktorg pn blek.
ni gua dah smpi rumah ni bro.
tk psl2 ade bdk kol ah bro.
bdk: helo, aku filzah, akma kasi num kau kt aku.
ade org kate kau ske aku eh?
serious eh?
bro nazirul: ni sape ni? bdk mane ni? salah no. eh?
ke giler? *nga gelak ni*
tk psl2 dier strt maki. alermak. tk syg mulot lah babe!
itu lah kesahnye. boring kn bro? haha. gua tawu.
tap gua share je. tkd citer ah. gua pn nga bored.
haha. kt rumah sorg2. kesian.
nga lapar plak tu. yg laen sume gi johor.
klah bro. gua mintak diri dulu.
nnt senang2 gua update lag lah bro haha.
chow!~ haha
am i sick?
1:53 PM - Sunday, August 9, 2009
haha. idk why i laughed.
hmm. i think im gonna be sick.
haha. so if im sick i need medicine right?
i thik i laughed cause its the best medicine haha.
from the moment i woke up,
my head just hurts. darn it!
every time i step my feet,
it gets worse. haha.
this headache is killing me.
seriously, hmm.
currently, im chatting with lily.
long lost fren haha.
we contacted for awhile then lost contact
for a few months. but i know its long.
so she talked about her obsession in serial killers haha.
weird right? maybe she's going to be one soon. haha
now, we're just killing time with our lame-ness haha.
its all around us heh.
i think, killing time is much better than killing humans haha.
so am i a serial killer? lol.
k im just bored. so bare with me for awhile.
so today is national day.
somone asked me out today.
but didnt feel like going out.
they're watching fireworks later on.
its be-au-ti-ful u know?
and i got one question to ask.
why cant i upload pics nor change
the fonts and colours?
ive been wanting to upload pics.
but cant, so i just take from deviantart.
and the pics are way cool.
k, im busy now, sick too.
and my dad says im too engrossed with this computer.
my tutor also complained to my parents.
so they're not letting me play everyday.
hmm. thats new to me.
so see ya. byebye (:
hmm. i think im gonna be sick.
haha. so if im sick i need medicine right?
i thik i laughed cause its the best medicine haha.
from the moment i woke up,
my head just hurts. darn it!
every time i step my feet,
it gets worse. haha.
this headache is killing me.
seriously, hmm.
currently, im chatting with lily.
long lost fren haha.
we contacted for awhile then lost contact
for a few months. but i know its long.
so she talked about her obsession in serial killers haha.
weird right? maybe she's going to be one soon. haha
now, we're just killing time with our lame-ness haha.
its all around us heh.
i think, killing time is much better than killing humans haha.
so am i a serial killer? lol.
k im just bored. so bare with me for awhile.
so today is national day.
somone asked me out today.
but didnt feel like going out.
they're watching fireworks later on.
its be-au-ti-ful u know?
and i got one question to ask.
why cant i upload pics nor change
the fonts and colours?
ive been wanting to upload pics.
but cant, so i just take from deviantart.
and the pics are way cool.
k, im busy now, sick too.
and my dad says im too engrossed with this computer.
my tutor also complained to my parents.
so they're not letting me play everyday.
hmm. thats new to me.
so see ya. byebye (:
carnival and my future
8:58 PM - Saturday, August 8, 2009
yeah. there goes my day.
staying in school from morning till night.
just reached home btw.
and it was tiring yet fun (:
pagi2 datang da kene buat kerja.
so there was tongs, black plastic beg
and glove and even towel in my hand.
mcm budak kendarat haha.
then along the way to the canteen,
i met sir zul. so decided to salam him haha
tknk jadi budak sombong. =P
k tk penting. seriously. haha
pastu gi canteen. sebenarnye.
me and irfan. tk buat pape kerja pn. haha
ktorg lepak kt canteen jap pastu gi dewan
tgk persembahan.
bdk2 preu buat dikir barat lagi
and nyanyi lagi haha.
sedap jgk uh. haha.
abe ade byk booth university.
i cant help myself to take all the brochures haha.
then keep asking them questions. lol.
semangat lah katekn.
tk tawu sey nk gi mane.
aliran acad atau ukhrawi.
hmm. hmm. hmm.
nta lah. nnt ley pike. haha.
blom masenye haha.
my future is in my hand lol.
but i dnt know where it will lead me.
then smlm. ale2 kt klas bobal psl kawen haha.
kekek sey. nk brape anak lah.
mcm mane nk save duet lah. haha.
pike jaoh sey haha.
k back to the topic.
hmm. k then ktorg gi solat kt musollah.
pastu ape lagi? maen DOTA kt tongseng haha.
wow. first time sey tk last.
dpt bunoh qamarul, syed, amir w, shazly.
haha. best. and im a beginner haha.
then blek madrasah. lepak2 je.
smpi kol 7 bru blek. then tido dlm bus.
and now im home.
and yeah, someone told me that my posts
are emotion-less. is that so?
i laughed a couple of times what haha.
isnt that emotion? k wateva.
and i want to thank everyone
who came in the morning till 12.30 pm
cause u made my day by not littering the canteen (:
jyeah dudes!~ haha
i think i dont have anything to say anymore.
so catch u later when i run after u.
haha. LAME
staying in school from morning till night.
just reached home btw.
and it was tiring yet fun (:
pagi2 datang da kene buat kerja.
so there was tongs, black plastic beg
and glove and even towel in my hand.
mcm budak kendarat haha.
then along the way to the canteen,
i met sir zul. so decided to salam him haha
tknk jadi budak sombong. =P
k tk penting. seriously. haha
pastu gi canteen. sebenarnye.
me and irfan. tk buat pape kerja pn. haha
ktorg lepak kt canteen jap pastu gi dewan
tgk persembahan.
bdk2 preu buat dikir barat lagi
and nyanyi lagi haha.
sedap jgk uh. haha.
abe ade byk booth university.
i cant help myself to take all the brochures haha.
then keep asking them questions. lol.
semangat lah katekn.
tk tawu sey nk gi mane.
aliran acad atau ukhrawi.
hmm. hmm. hmm.
nta lah. nnt ley pike. haha.
blom masenye haha.
my future is in my hand lol.
but i dnt know where it will lead me.
then smlm. ale2 kt klas bobal psl kawen haha.
kekek sey. nk brape anak lah.
mcm mane nk save duet lah. haha.
pike jaoh sey haha.
k back to the topic.
hmm. k then ktorg gi solat kt musollah.
pastu ape lagi? maen DOTA kt tongseng haha.
wow. first time sey tk last.
dpt bunoh qamarul, syed, amir w, shazly.
haha. best. and im a beginner haha.
then blek madrasah. lepak2 je.
smpi kol 7 bru blek. then tido dlm bus.
and now im home.
and yeah, someone told me that my posts
are emotion-less. is that so?
i laughed a couple of times what haha.
isnt that emotion? k wateva.
and i want to thank everyone
who came in the morning till 12.30 pm
cause u made my day by not littering the canteen (:
jyeah dudes!~ haha
i think i dont have anything to say anymore.
so catch u later when i run after u.
haha. LAME
9:34 PM - Friday, August 7, 2009
latest news.
dont get shock.
im in LOVE with him!
haha. gay ke pe? LOL.
k im just joking (:
dnt misunderstood eh haha.
Love... by ~TheOne85Ca on deviantART
haha. ive just realised something.
know what? ive been browsing deviantart pics so much
that i fell in love with photography haha.
eh zuhaili. najib. korg nye tactic tk gune uh haha.
tkd pape je. alermak!
dont get shock.
im in LOVE with him!
haha. gay ke pe? LOL.
k im just joking (:
dnt misunderstood eh haha.
Love... by ~TheOne85Ca on deviantART
haha. ive just realised something.
know what? ive been browsing deviantart pics so much
that i fell in love with photography haha.
eh zuhaili. najib. korg nye tactic tk gune uh haha.
tkd pape je. alermak!
national day. cleanliness.
9:22 PM
Patriots by ~thekillergerbil on deviantART
assalamualaikum wr. wb.
hehe. first time beri salam kt blog ni. lol
kay tk penting.
ahha. tad celebrate national day kt skola.
singing. reciting pledge.
listening to speeches.
boring. i know. haha.
tap best ble kt hall.
walaupon suasane sungguh panas.
phew! tkley angks.
ktorg tgk preu 2 buat sketsa.
preu 1 dikir barat,
boria *gini eh spelling?*
video made by waly and his gang.
and silat haha. cool.
wow! i enjoyed the performance very well.
and there were my friends performing.
they were singing idk what song.
but it was my fren; amir mansor who composed it.
and his voice was nice. lol. for sure.
tap 5 org nyanyi mcm satu org je.
lagi 2 mic rosak gaknye.
tap tkp. best jgk haha.
then, lps solat jumaat kene kumpol kt auditorium.
si imron rushdy nk jumpe. nk ckp psl besok.
besok ade carnival.
jgn lupe dtg tau. haha.
tap tk jamin uh best lol.
kene kerja kebersihan sey haha.
leceh nye. 2nd shift plak tu.
ni try mintak tuka 1st shift uh.
jadi lps tu blh enjoy hehe.
ni sume tactic tau. lol.
lag pon time 1st shift rase2 mcm tk byk sampah.
and klw dtg jgn buang sembarangan.
ade tong sampah gi buang kt sane.
rainbow by ~ANEMONCIT on deviantART
as narrated abu malik al-harith bin asim al-ash’ari:
Allah’s messenger said, “cleanliness is half of faith;
haha. kay la. bare that in mind =P
and im busy now so gtg. bye.
9:46 PM - Thursday, August 6, 2009
phew! what a day. lethargic. yeah,
that's the word to describe how im feeling today.
from morning till now,
ive been feeling like this - tired-ness.
it all started this morning.
when i woke up. dragging my feet to the toilet.
not having enough sleep i think.
aching all over the body. sigh.
then, the whole of madrasah aljunied
was needed to sing national day songs,
anthem and even reciting the pledge.
national day is just 3 days away.
and we had been rehearsing
since last monday - 3rd august.
shouting. jumping. it was fun though.
we were just like idiotic monkeys
trapped in a cage. lol.
for that, we missed fiqh.
we as in my classmates and i. haha.
not long after recess, we went to the library
for our quran. and we recite
astaghfirullah halazim all the way
till we reached the library. haha.
i dont think reciting would match what we did.
shouting may be the correct word haha.
and know what? ust sariah wants us
to read the holy quran
everyday. atleast a page. and recite
astaghfirullah halazim
for at least 70 times. i repeat 70 TIMES.haha.
then, there's tafsir.
never did ustaz rosli bring us to the computer lab
during his lesson. it was the FIRST TIME!
but. we just blew it. haiz.
we were ordered to stand at the courtyard instead.
this is just stupid.
being watched by all the asatizahs.
haha. crap. lol.
then, when ustazah hanna saw us,
she told us that our marks will be deducted.
i mean our project marks.
the project was just being a disciplined student.
as easy as it sound. but no, we couldnt do it.
haha. i dont think its easy though. lol.
cant stand it. hehe.
kay, nevermind. ni sume ujian dari Allah.
kite harus tabah menerimenye.
dan kuatkn diri dan iman utk berubah.
haha. chey mcm phm lagi si nazirul ni.
haha. klah. penat uh nk type byk2.
asek type in english je aku haha.
dah mcm compo.
eh korg rase blog kene ade paragraph ke tk?
k thats random.
but give me ur views on my tagboard haha.
and yeah. blogger is crazy now. haha.
that's the word to describe how im feeling today.
from morning till now,
ive been feeling like this - tired-ness.
it all started this morning.
when i woke up. dragging my feet to the toilet.
not having enough sleep i think.
aching all over the body. sigh.
then, the whole of madrasah aljunied
was needed to sing national day songs,
anthem and even reciting the pledge.
national day is just 3 days away.
and we had been rehearsing
since last monday - 3rd august.
shouting. jumping. it was fun though.
we were just like idiotic monkeys
trapped in a cage. lol.
for that, we missed fiqh.
we as in my classmates and i. haha.
not long after recess, we went to the library
for our quran. and we recite
astaghfirullah halazim all the way
till we reached the library. haha.
i dont think reciting would match what we did.
shouting may be the correct word haha.
and know what? ust sariah wants us
to read the holy quran
everyday. atleast a page. and recite
astaghfirullah halazim
for at least 70 times. i repeat 70 TIMES.haha.
then, there's tafsir.
never did ustaz rosli bring us to the computer lab
during his lesson. it was the FIRST TIME!
but. we just blew it. haiz.
we were ordered to stand at the courtyard instead.
this is just stupid.
being watched by all the asatizahs.
haha. crap. lol.
then, when ustazah hanna saw us,
she told us that our marks will be deducted.
i mean our project marks.
the project was just being a disciplined student.
as easy as it sound. but no, we couldnt do it.
haha. i dont think its easy though. lol.
cant stand it. hehe.
kay, nevermind. ni sume ujian dari Allah.
kite harus tabah menerimenye.
dan kuatkn diri dan iman utk berubah.
haha. chey mcm phm lagi si nazirul ni.
haha. klah. penat uh nk type byk2.
asek type in english je aku haha.
dah mcm compo.
eh korg rase blog kene ade paragraph ke tk?
k thats random.
but give me ur views on my tagboard haha.
and yeah. blogger is crazy now. haha.
10:13 PM - Wednesday, August 5, 2009
eh. boring uh kt rumah ni haha. tkd pape nk buat.
naseb tkd mc lagi. klw tk lagi mendak.
k tk tawu nk post ape.
yg penting nga bored.
bored giler!
naseb tkd mc lagi. klw tk lagi mendak.
k tk tawu nk post ape.
yg penting nga bored.
bored giler!
boyfriend mithali
9:41 PM - Tuesday, August 4, 2009
k, hari ni ade feeling mcm nk post dlm bahase melayu uh.
haha. ni ade cerite nk kongsi.
ramai mesti suke eh ble ckp psl boyfriend atau girlfriend.
jadi bile dpt forwaded email ni.
rase mcm best klw dpt share.
boleh dapat faedah kn?
pahale pn masok haha.
hah! jadi bace la cerita ni.
jeng jeng jeng.
saya suka tengok jari girlfriend saya.
cantik betul.
sungguh! sampai takut nak pegang.
bukan takut patah.
tapi takut nanti jari kitorang tak boleh tolong each other.
di satu hari yang giler forever depan yang Maha Esa.
saya suka tengok rambut girlfriend saya.
lawa betol.
sungguh! sebab tu saya belikan tudung.
bukan sebab jealous orang lain tengok jugak,
tapi takut nanti terbakar dek api neraka.
di suatu hari yang giler forever
saya suka tengok body girlfriend saya.
sexy betol.
sungguh! sebab tu saya belikan dia telekong
supaya mase dia jumpa dengan Kekasih dia Yang Utama
dia lagi cantik dan berseri menghadapNya.
saya pun tumpang dapat pahala.
saya sedih tengok girlfriend saya
tak tido, tak makan rindu kat saya.
saya pun macam tu jugak, ada problem yang same.
dia tanya apa ubatnya?
saya pun bagi dia Al-Quran untuk penenang jiwa.
semoga lebih cintakanNya dari saya.
saya sedih tengok girlfriend saya,
selalu pesan macam-macam kat saya...
"makan, minum, drive elok-elok tau!
nanti awak sakit saye susah ati bla bla bla bla" katenye.
tapi bila tengok movie sama-sama burn asar maghrib gitu
dia tak kata satu ape pun.
berdosanye saye.
kesimpulannya saya memang sayang die.
nak jumpe die giler forever.
yang forever punye forever.
di dunia dan akhirat terutamanya,
janji nak share heaven same-same.
bahagia selamanye.
semoga kami saling mengingati,
dosa sendiri pun infiniti.
nak tanggung dosa dia lagi pulak lepas ni.
semoga kami menginsafi diri.
ya Allah ampunkanlah kami.
semoga kami dapat bersama selamanya nanti.
P/S: andai anda seorang wanita muslimah.
mesti seronok kan kalau pasangan kita berfikiran camtu.
then, kalau anda seorang muslim.
ape kate tanamkan dalam hati camtu.
cinta tu anugerah Allah.
pandai-pandai la kita menjage nikmat Allah itu ye.
semoge saye pun amek iktibar jugak.
klw dah bace. sebar-sebarkn lah.
lagi ramai yg tawu. lagi bgs.
aman hidop kt dunia ni haha.
mcm phm plak nazirul ni lol.
hehe. tapi serious!
jage lah nafsu ye (:
haha. ni ade cerite nk kongsi.
ramai mesti suke eh ble ckp psl boyfriend atau girlfriend.
jadi bile dpt forwaded email ni.
rase mcm best klw dpt share.
boleh dapat faedah kn?
pahale pn masok haha.
hah! jadi bace la cerita ni.
jeng jeng jeng.
saya suka tengok jari girlfriend saya.
cantik betul.
sungguh! sampai takut nak pegang.
bukan takut patah.
tapi takut nanti jari kitorang tak boleh tolong each other.
di satu hari yang giler forever depan yang Maha Esa.
saya suka tengok rambut girlfriend saya.
lawa betol.
sungguh! sebab tu saya belikan tudung.
bukan sebab jealous orang lain tengok jugak,
tapi takut nanti terbakar dek api neraka.
di suatu hari yang giler forever
saya suka tengok body girlfriend saya.
sexy betol.
sungguh! sebab tu saya belikan dia telekong
supaya mase dia jumpa dengan Kekasih dia Yang Utama
dia lagi cantik dan berseri menghadapNya.
saya pun tumpang dapat pahala.
saya sedih tengok girlfriend saya
tak tido, tak makan rindu kat saya.
saya pun macam tu jugak, ada problem yang same.
dia tanya apa ubatnya?
saya pun bagi dia Al-Quran untuk penenang jiwa.
semoga lebih cintakanNya dari saya.
saya sedih tengok girlfriend saya,
selalu pesan macam-macam kat saya...
"makan, minum, drive elok-elok tau!
nanti awak sakit saye susah ati bla bla bla bla" katenye.
tapi bila tengok movie sama-sama burn asar maghrib gitu
dia tak kata satu ape pun.
berdosanye saye.
kesimpulannya saya memang sayang die.
nak jumpe die giler forever.
yang forever punye forever.
di dunia dan akhirat terutamanya,
janji nak share heaven same-same.
bahagia selamanye.
semoga kami saling mengingati,
dosa sendiri pun infiniti.
nak tanggung dosa dia lagi pulak lepas ni.
semoga kami menginsafi diri.
ya Allah ampunkanlah kami.
semoga kami dapat bersama selamanya nanti.
P/S: andai anda seorang wanita muslimah.
mesti seronok kan kalau pasangan kita berfikiran camtu.
then, kalau anda seorang muslim.
ape kate tanamkan dalam hati camtu.
cinta tu anugerah Allah.
pandai-pandai la kita menjage nikmat Allah itu ye.
semoge saye pun amek iktibar jugak.
klw dah bace. sebar-sebarkn lah.
lagi ramai yg tawu. lagi bgs.
aman hidop kt dunia ni haha.
mcm phm plak nazirul ni lol.
hehe. tapi serious!
jage lah nafsu ye (:
artistic in me
9:50 PM - Monday, August 3, 2009
hmm. panting? im tired. haha. just reached home.
haiz. nothing much happened today.
went to LJS with amir and zuhaili haha.
tk tawu plak asl nk gi sane.
ale2 je. sudden crave lol.
k now im sitting in front of this lappy of mine.
updating this blog of mine.
just now during tuition.
tkd mood sey nk blaja.
so i was doing some art. haha.
abstract art i must say.
doodling i guess. but by words haha.
here it is. lol. kid's work.
*gamba nnt post*
i didnt know what had happened to me.
suddenly, for some reason, i like art lol.
im just into it; music, poetry, drawing,
photography and simply anything. haha.
weird i must say. haha *wink*
k lets see. what do i have to say about art.
actually nothing to say about it.
but here's a poem about art.
found while browsing the net.
k enjoy.
my art is no art
without my mind's simplicity.
my art does not want
to subscribe to the view
that unhappiness
commands the world.
when i paint or draw,
i keep my mind's thought-garden
completely free of self-doubt-weeds.
my art is the hide-and-seek
between my soul's illumining smiles
and my heart's streaming tears.
the artist in me has three
faithful, sleepless
and self-giving friends:
a newness-eye, a oneness-heart
and a fulness-life.
the heart of my art
and the heart of a child
are extremely fond of each other.
they love each other deeply;
they need each other constantly;
they are interdependent, sleeplessly.
my mind says that anything i do
is too insignificant
because i am wanting
in qualification.
needless to say,
this includes my artwork.
my heart says that anything i do
is too significant
because the god-touch
is always there.
needless to say,
this includes my artwork.
the moment i start painting,
i clearly see my soul-meditation
is blessingfully clasping
my heart-aspiration-flames.
first things first:
the artist in me,
before embarking on his artwork,
invariably catches
his heart's aspiration-express.
true, in my art i want to see
the face of earth's beauty.
but i want to see
the heart of heaven's divinity
more, infinitely more.
by: Sri Chinmoy
i dont even know who this sri chinmoy is.
but the way he appreciate art caught my eyes.
but not only art needs our appreciation
but almost everything needs it.
klah. tons of homeworks awaits me.
not to say that i need to study for faraidh tomorrow.
haha. bye?
haiz. nothing much happened today.
went to LJS with amir and zuhaili haha.
tk tawu plak asl nk gi sane.
ale2 je. sudden crave lol.
k now im sitting in front of this lappy of mine.
updating this blog of mine.
just now during tuition.
tkd mood sey nk blaja.
so i was doing some art. haha.
abstract art i must say.
doodling i guess. but by words haha.
here it is. lol. kid's work.
*gamba nnt post*
i didnt know what had happened to me.
suddenly, for some reason, i like art lol.
im just into it; music, poetry, drawing,
photography and simply anything. haha.
weird i must say. haha *wink*
k lets see. what do i have to say about art.
actually nothing to say about it.
but here's a poem about art.
found while browsing the net.
k enjoy.
my art is no art
without my mind's simplicity.
my art does not want
to subscribe to the view
that unhappiness
commands the world.
when i paint or draw,
i keep my mind's thought-garden
completely free of self-doubt-weeds.
my art is the hide-and-seek
between my soul's illumining smiles
and my heart's streaming tears.
the artist in me has three
faithful, sleepless
and self-giving friends:
a newness-eye, a oneness-heart
and a fulness-life.
the heart of my art
and the heart of a child
are extremely fond of each other.
they love each other deeply;
they need each other constantly;
they are interdependent, sleeplessly.
my mind says that anything i do
is too insignificant
because i am wanting
in qualification.
needless to say,
this includes my artwork.
my heart says that anything i do
is too significant
because the god-touch
is always there.
needless to say,
this includes my artwork.
the moment i start painting,
i clearly see my soul-meditation
is blessingfully clasping
my heart-aspiration-flames.
first things first:
the artist in me,
before embarking on his artwork,
invariably catches
his heart's aspiration-express.
true, in my art i want to see
the face of earth's beauty.
but i want to see
the heart of heaven's divinity
more, infinitely more.
by: Sri Chinmoy
i dont even know who this sri chinmoy is.
but the way he appreciate art caught my eyes.
but not only art needs our appreciation
but almost everything needs it.
klah. tons of homeworks awaits me.
not to say that i need to study for faraidh tomorrow.
haha. bye?
10:13 PM - Saturday, August 1, 2009
hey. here i post again. lol. actually, mls nk post.
tap tad da kene sound. ade org tu kate nazirul lokek post haha.
ade ke patot?
k, tad pagi gi maen bola kt yishun. lawan bdk irsyad.
first half dah gerek2 sey. draw 4-4.
pastu ble budak keling masok tros mood dah tkd. haha.
pastu gi burger king. alamak. asl eh gi sane. haha.
dah tawu nazirul tk mkn burger lol.
tap tkp ade KIDS meal. hehe. tapi kn. punye lah mahal.
nauzubillah btol haha.
1 KIDS meal = golden deal 1, 2 pcs chicken + 49cents.
haha. serious. pastu ayam dier kecik. rase mcm nugget. alamak.
rase mcm wasted sey. abe skrg kt rumah sorg2. boring oi.
asek sorg je. haiz. sume klua.
eh national day dah nk dekat eh. haha.
klah dah tkd story. nnt update lagi la. ble2.
tap tad da kene sound. ade org tu kate nazirul lokek post haha.
ade ke patot?
k, tad pagi gi maen bola kt yishun. lawan bdk irsyad.
first half dah gerek2 sey. draw 4-4.
pastu ble budak keling masok tros mood dah tkd. haha.
pastu gi burger king. alamak. asl eh gi sane. haha.
dah tawu nazirul tk mkn burger lol.
tap tkp ade KIDS meal. hehe. tapi kn. punye lah mahal.
nauzubillah btol haha.
1 KIDS meal = golden deal 1, 2 pcs chicken + 49cents.
haha. serious. pastu ayam dier kecik. rase mcm nugget. alamak.
rase mcm wasted sey. abe skrg kt rumah sorg2. boring oi.
asek sorg je. haiz. sume klua.
eh national day dah nk dekat eh. haha.
klah dah tkd story. nnt update lagi la. ble2.
home. where's my home?
9:48 PM
home by ~dechobek on deviantART
where's my home? ive been wondering haha.
is this my home? i mean with my family?
or later when im gone. in the coffin.
hmm. its bugging me.
nonsensical i know haha.
anyway, here's a poem i ought to share.
i’m suffocating, i must go.
to where?
i don’t know, but i know i have to go.
i’ll find a way, somehow.
i am taking off,
a wingless flight in the silent night-
to the dark sky of freedom.
am i free now?
perhaps; i see
an endless stretch of black paradise before me.
darkness freezes me. loneliness begets me.
i’ve never been so scared before.
i am lost.
so i turn back,
to the strangling nest i called home-
a choking fortress.
light warms me up. safety.
there is no danger here,
no fear of getting lost.
forget about the black hole of freedom,
i am back here,
the only place call home.
freedom or home? u choose. u decide (:
wasting my life away
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010